Using mobile phones as a tool to improve STEM skills

Historical centre by night

Mobilities diaries

ITALY: Teachers meeting (kick off)

During the first transnational meeting, in Italy, all the operators involved (3 for each partner, the coordinator and a reference teacher) will participate in the activities for 4 days to get to know each other, organise the next stages of the project and discover the culture and educational system of the host partner. Sophia will organise a visit to a partner school with which we have already made formal arrangements. Participants will, if the COVID situation permits, stay in the homes of local colleagues, as this is the best way to get to know each other and immerse oneself in the country's lifestyle. Alternatively, a hotel will be booked. Several activities are planned during these three days:

- Welcoming by the headmaster, staff, students and parents.

- School visit and workshop on the Croatian education system

- Interview with a local newspaper

- city tours (student-led)

- Meetings: to organise the different stages of the project, check the budget, compare and share knowledge and respective experiences, express wishes, choose experiments, plan training activities...

- Cultural tour of the region.

The main objective of this meeting, however, is the planning of:

-Budget plan

-Risk plan

-Organisation of activities -

-Training and rehearsal of experiments to be conducted later in schools.


-To form a clear image about how scientific curricular teaching happens in educational contexts of schools involved (when they teach STEM

subjects, what materials schools possess, what methods are used)

-To learn about new methods to improve existing ones in STEM curricular teaching

-To create innovative teaching materials.


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